Monday, September 3, 2012

Notes: 8/27/2012

The Poem on Page 102 Of Your Library of America Bible contains a "list" of how to live.

Hints: Lunacy, Heroic Journey, Painting of a gentleman staring down at a sea of mist swirling amongst the rocks. (The Heroic Journey in our age has entered that of the demotic; which is to say that of the individual.)
[Lunacy is a form of madness; a give into passion with reckless abandon that forces you to deal with the sublime, often, in fear and trembling.]

Ignore the George Clooney propagandic poshlust version of Solaris: We will be focusing more towards the mannerisms and style of Tarkovsky's Solaris.

Three Terms of Focus for the next fortnight:

ONE) LUCRETIUS. Who is Lucretius? What Is Lucretius all 'about'? What does it mean to be a Lucretian?

TWO) the SUBLIME. What is the Sublime? Focus should be paid towards 'Enlarging' and 'Elevating' and the relation between these three words of perception. Hint: (Raphael's School of Athens)

THREE) WALLACE STEVENS. Who Is Wallace Stevens? (And why does no one give a fuck who John Galt is?)

Elitist Expectations: Read Walter Pater's Marius the Epicurian. While this may seem a high order, for everyone that is spending there secondary text time reading the swerve will probably find it most useful).

Capstone: The Tufted Rock that hangs above the Clouds.

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